A Man of Letters
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
"So, you're some kind of Urban Planner, eh?" Asks the gentleman. He's mid-50s, thinning hair.
"Sure am," I reply.
"OK, so I'm gonna like, buy this house right? And then I'm gonna like, divide up all the rooms into these little small rooms, right? With like, their own windows, and beds and stuff. So, ok, it's gonna be like, a hotel, right? But, it's gonna be for cats!
Like, it's gonna be a cat hotel!"
"Ok, so I give them cat nip room service, and hire a nice single lady to hug 'em and feed 'em and stuff. Whadya think about that? Do I need some kinda special zoning?"
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
So, my hobo days are behind me, and I've finally decided to grow the fook up and get a real job. That's right, actual human beings have decided to hire me.
I'll be heading down to Berkeley, CA (land of the angry hippie) to start work on the 16th. Somehow I need to put together a move to the Bay Area in less than 2 weeks. I better start packing my bindle, ASAP.

View of Berkeley and the San Francisco Bay

Telegraph Avenue
I'm not gonna even think about putting any work stuff on here. But, just so's you know, I actually managed to get a job in Urban Planning, and will be working on a ton of different projects for a mid-sized consulting firm that works all over the country.