A Man of Letters
Sunday, January 02, 2005

1) Learn to Box:

It's about friggin' time, considering how often I get socked in the eye for no reason.

2) Win the Derby:

This year we were the fastest 2-man team on the hill. Next year's Shark will be a killing machine.

3) Immigrants love me! Keep that up:

I am beloved by all the peoples of the world, which is nice. Just to clarify, these are refugee kids I was working with for my Master's Thesis Workshop last spring - not Neverland Ranch. Speaking of the Master's program, I'm officially done, which leads me to my next resolution...

4) Find a freakin' Job:

Although it holds a certain rakish charm, and I've discovered that I'm pretty good at it, being a deadbeat is no way to live.

You should probably correct/clarify a few points here:
1. EVERY time you get socked in the eye it's for a perfectly good reason.
2. Immigrants love you because they don't know you yet and don't speak English.
Just thought your readers (if any) should know.
Very good points anonymous. Thanks for clarifying.
You are hot with a black eye. Also, I want to come cheer you on this year for the derby. can I sleep on your floor? and lastly, GET A JOB, HOBO!
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