A Man of Letters
Monday, April 26, 2004
I'm not sure how to describe my home state to people who live elsewhere. It's a weird mix of hick and refined, conservative, liberal, libertarian, and ornery.
Being attacked by a one-legged miner in Wolf Creek made me happy to be an Oregonian for some reason. So did stumbling across what seemed like an entire town gathered around with fiddles and guitars and washboards playing "Let The Circle Be Unbroken" in a place called Ma's Kitchen outside of Burns.
This made me proud too.

Friday, April 23, 2004
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
So my Brother surprised everyone by proposing to his girlfriend at dinner last night.
Well, he surprised everyone except my Mom. Of course, she knew all about it.
Anyways, the diamond he gave her turns out to be my Great Great Grandma's ring that my Great Great Grandpa won in a cardgame. At least that's the story.
"Hey Mom, what the hell?", I asked later "What am I supposed to propose with?"
"Well...I figured it might be awhile before you proposed, so..."
"Ah. Good point"
"I've got another diamond from a different Great Grandma. It's uhhh...not as
nice, though."
"Perfect. So what am I supposed to say? 'My love, will you marry me? I offer
you a ring that's as flawed as you are.' "
"Yeah, I figured that's about how it would go."
"Sweet. Thanks Mom."