A Man of Letters
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
She catches me staring a bit, not that it can be helped. After all, she is pulling down her pants in the middle of a bar.
"Everything allright?" She asks.
"Ummm...yeah, everything's fine. Just, you know, warn me next time you're going to remove your pants. I wouldn't want to miss anything."
"No Problem." She jumps up and quickly pulls down her pants again, revealing several small scars.
"I just got my tubes tied!" She squeals.
"So...um...when they say 'tubes tied'...do they actually tie anything up?" Was all I could think to ask.
"Nope they just take some of the tubes out."
"Oh, that's it? Nothing else."
"Nope, well...I guess they toss the pieces in the garbage disposal or something."
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
So our recent party went off without a hitch. The cops only came once, the party favors were enjoyed by all...

And, the foosball tournament trophy remains in it's rightful resting place...

Friday, June 13, 2003
What statement are you trying to make if you leave the house wearing an upside-down and crooked FUBU visor and a T-shirt that says "Maximum Fuck"?
Oh, wait, the Fun Center is in town. This makes alot more sense now.