A Man of Letters
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I haven't managed to get internet access at home yet because I am a lazy lazy man. Things should be fixed and up and running in a few weeks, which means I'll soon be able to resume posting with reckless abandon. I hope my legion of reader(s) can wait that long.
Just so you know, things have been going pretty decent here in SFCA. So far, I've managed to be accosted by robe wearing freaks, narrowly avoided getting in a fight in a bar full of Mexican transvestites, seen the Drive By Truckers at The Fillmore and Wilco in Berkely's beautiful Greek Theater, seen a band called Arnocore that plays thrashmetal tributes to the lore and wisdom of Arnold Schwarzenegger, accidentally eaten tripe at 4 in the morning, and pissed away a sizable chunk of my paycheck at the Blackjack tables in Stateline, Nevada.
Good times. And hopefully more to come.