A Man of Letters
Monday, April 18, 2005

AKA: The Search for a Place to Live

1) "Yeah, you sorta have to crouch in the tub to take a shower, so I hope you like baths. Also, I don't think the landlord has ever rented to anyone who is straight."

2) You know what? This one went really well. Nice place too.

3) "You're room has it's own sink. I think 'cause this place used to be a whore house. Man, can you imagine that? Whores everywhere, just washing themselves?"

4) "I've never lived with a guy before, are you weird or gross or anything?"

5) SO. MANY. CATS. Ok, only three cats, but still that's 8 more than I can handle.

6) "This is Todd."

"Hey Todd."


"Todd's into punk rock. His band comes over alot, if you're into that."

7) "Yeah, so there's this whole legal thing going on, but don't worry, the lawyers have to give us 60 days notice before they can evict us, so you'd get at least 2 months here."

8) "This is our chill room. It's hella cool. Check out the djembe drums bro. Some of them came all the way from Africa."

I chose #2.

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