A Man of Letters
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

So with February comes fake spring here in the great Northwest. Fake spring is that week and a half of sorta nice weather that arrives sometime in February just before it starts raining again for another 2 months. Fake spring brings out the strange.

Exhibit A: Stoop Bowling

About ten hipsters were posted up on a rundown old bungalow's front lawn. It was 2 in the afternoon on a Sunday and about half the people there were drinking 40s in paper bags. The hipsters had somehow wrassled up a bowling ball and 10 bowling pins, and were in the middle of an intense bowl-off in their front yard. One after the other, they would step up to the line, run a pale hand through their carefully tussled hair, and then hurl a bowling ball down the cement walk with all the force their skinny arms could muster. They were tearing the hell out of the front steps and it took quite a while to set up the pins after each frame, but that left more time for drinking I suppose. Ahhhh....unemployment. Huzzah!

Exhibit B: Conspicuous Porn Consumption

As I strolled out of a market near my house (the kind of market that sells rebel flag key chains and has a case of knives and doorags next to the vast malt liquor assortment, and is invariably run by a dude who is very new to the English language) I was confronted by waaaay more porn than I'm used to seeing in public. A seedy looking meth-head type was sitting in his car in the parking lot, randomly and nonchalantly flipping through nudie magazines in broad daylight. He had a 3 foot stack of porn sitting on the front seat next to him. What variety of filth was he reading? Why, "Hot N' Older", of course! Nothing but the best for this discerning consumer of fine smut.

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